I tasted the all new Estremo range last year, on two remarkable occasions. The first involved a Guarneri violin and a Fazioli concert grand, the second involved my own TAD Revolution One loudspeaker project that I have thoroughly ...
AAI (Authentic Audio Image), Povážská Bystrica, +421 905 694 943
The SRX power cable epitomizes the ‘current best’ from the Synergistic Research’s kitchen. Essentially it is a full silver cable where nothing is traditional, and it provides all you need in one package, be it noise filtering with ...
CZ: Roth Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 674 381
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
I got to meet the Maestoso power cable last April and spent three weeks with it. Back then the cable had a black protective mesh through which a deep blue shielding sheath was seen; a combination that gave the cable deep blue look ...
Authentic Audio Image, Povážská Bystrica, +421 905 694 943
The Omega XC v2 is the best wall-to-conditioner power cable ever built by Shunyata Research. It is so easy to kill Triton, Denali and Everest’ performance by a cable that won’t be able to tackle current and voltage transient ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Long 10 years passed since I've declared in my review of Nordost Odin power cables "There is no other piece of wire like it". In the context of high-end audio market of 2009 I still stick to my declaration. In the context of ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
The Pangea cables look and feel very professional. They are not stiff and it is a delight to work with them. During dozens of reconnections that I performed with them during this review I had to appreciate smart connectors that were ...
Hifi studio MeLissa, Brno, tel. +420 777 041 313
Visually the Orfeo does not stand out from usual expectations about an aftermarket power cord: black synthetic protective braid, reasonable thickness and pliability, solid weight, and no high-end bijoux like wooden or aluminium ...
Roth Audio, Praha, +420 777 674 381
I had reviewed the AudioQuest Hurricane few months ago at a local distributor's place. It was that good that I have decided to audition it again in my own system to verify what I heard and to challenge it with competitors from ...
At the very bottom of the frequency response the Galileo SX lets you hear bass textures very clearly. The bass is not reduced to just a warm and sonically weighty instrument, it has its inner structure too, and I could not stop ...
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Synergistic Research does not give out any technical details. Well, you may say it is because there is no real know-how inside their products. Perhaps, however even a quick listening test is impressive and after few hours all your ...
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
The manufacturer claims that the Cobra shows the best price to performance ratio in his portfolio. This is however affected by the depth of a customer’s pocket and cannot be generalized for everyone. From what I heard I can only ...
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
The Python Zi-Tron’s performance is not a step-up, rather a leap-up level from the Cobra. My impression is that to get the taste of the real Shunyata you have to start here. Our regular readers may recollect our comparison of ...
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Zvuk byl doslova třpytivý. Nejvíc ze všeho mi svou barevností připomínal mýdlovou bublinu za plného slunečního světla, na jedné straně plnou spektrálních odlesků, a na druhé nezastírající svou průhledností pohled posluchače. V rámci ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
All power cords have certain filtering effect. The best case scenario is that a power cord filters itself out from the sound, and this was the case of the Snakeblock. It stepped aside and let the music communicate with me with more ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
The truth is actually very simple: there is no other piece of wire like the Nordost Odin. If you have doubts stop questioning it unless you have given a listen to it. Even the Odin is probably not a final solution. According to the ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
After sharing our homes with more than 20 different power cords that had resided for over three months in our reference systems we learnt that, yes, a power cord could make a sonic contribution which is far from being insignificant. ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
It is scary to hear how much information is hidden on spinning silver discs. It is even more scary that such information can be brought out to daylight by something so ordinary as a power cord. Nordost's Valhalla is among the finest ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
This cable starts to build its sonic capabilities from mid-range, which is always more than welcome. That´s the reason for its great musical depth, sound palpability and smooth performance. It virtually surfs on musical waves with ...
High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
Once we start to compare the Vincent with its pricing category peers, and when it feeds a front-end component, there is no one to keep pace with it. With such a performance in your hand, the sum of 120 euros, that you would pay for ...
Hifi studio MeLissa, Brno, tel. +420 777 041 313
Please be warned in advance: the Golden Reference is, and similarly most George Cardas’s cables, not neutral. If your definition of neutrality is a strident professional sound, that is stripped of emotions in favor of precision (and ...
Absolute Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 739 377
The LC-1 definitely is a huge improvement over a standard power cord that is usually supplied with audio components, however at its price there are better performing competitors on the market. I missed a richer tonal pallete ...
GigaWatt, Zgierz, Poland
The holy grail of any power cable design is to achieve maximum conductivity for the power cycle frequency of 50/60Hz (hence as-low-as-possible resistance is needed) without facilitating the propagation of electromagnetic interference ...