There are not enough good phono preamps in this world. In the times of stabilized vinyl sales, the phono stages are a compulsory part of any serious manufacturer’s catalogue, as well as DACs. While to build an excellent DAC requires ...
Kohut Audio, Košice, tel. +421 905 642 156
Simaudio have reworked their catalogue for this year, and they have done so thoroughly. Although they stick to confusing model numbers for some reasons, their current portfolio is laid in just three tiers, each with a source and an ...
CZ: Mareka Audio, Horoměřice, +420 603 259 667
CZ: Avitsmart, Praha, +420 605 836 876
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
The Boulder 812 is a modern front-end that puts a preamplifier, a DAC, and a headphone amplifier under one hood. Although the brand is synonymous with boulder-like behemoths, the 812 is surprisingly smal. It has a square footprint of ...
The golden cases are a sort of revelation, in the age of silver aluminum, titanium grey, and carbon black. Like Armani amongst mass-produced clothing. I like that these Italians are not afraid to show-off their style, although – to ...
Audio Ranny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
The funny fact about the Constellation Audio’s Pictor preamplifier and Taurus stereo power amplifier: in the company’s amplifier hierarchy they are a part of Revelation series which is a ‘compact car’ in automotive terminology. The ...
No distributor at the time of the review.
In Van Medevoort’s hierarchy the CA470 was designed to complement the PA472 power amplifier and PA471 monoblocks. Such a combination delivers true high end sound that is difficult to find elsewhere for the same budget.
AudioRanny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
The design of the Michi kombo is in a ´Fifty shades of Black´ style and perfectly fits within the contemporary industrial design. The metal and glass elements are precisely matched as if a BMW and Samsung team was behind the creation ...
This passive preamplifier is unprecedented. The level of customer care that is out into conceiving every single unit is amazing and throws you back in time, when shoes were made by shoemakers rather than chosen from a full shelves in ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
I own the excellent Mark Levinson No.326S preamplifier which I reviewed for Audiodrom and which drives my No.432 power amplifier. The No.326S is a well-thought and carefully produced piece of gear that offers a great range of options ...
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
Absolute Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 739 377
Both the 740P and 870A represent great value components – for the price you pay the sound of this combo is unbeatable. Simaudio offers 10 year warranty with their products which also screams of the confidence in their own products. ...
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
With the Baby Reference in an audio set up the power amplifier and speakers become easily a real limitation for the good sound: the Music First’s Baby Reference will not help you balance the system – be prepared that you’ll have to ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
To conclude I can only reconfirm that Luxman have made a quantum leap with the new generation models. The difference between its top amplifiers is rather the one in sonic character – the M-900u is closer to the previous Luxman’s class ...
HTP s.r.o., tel: +420 606 642 175
PP HiFi Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The trinity of Van Medevoort's audio devices, the PSQ-PAQs-CAQ combination, will appeal to those that love natural colours and subtle details of Class A, plus - at the same time - to those that need watts to feed hungry speakers. ...
AudioRanny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
After I carefully positioned a pair of loudspeakers I removed my usual pink noise CD and replaced it with music. The room was flooded with Beethoven’s Seventh and my jaw dropped – not only is the new Luxman’s combo a two-generation ...
HTP s.r.o., tel: +420 606 642 175
PP HiFi Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The virgin purity of a dialogue between a cello and a piano, subtly underlined by the echo of an acoustic guitar, was fascinating through the No. 326S. It was from "to die for" category, when you just hold your breath not to ...
Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
Absolute Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 739 377
Nature works with infinite number of colors – hifi & high end components have very limited palettes, however. Fortunately we have already passed the black & white point yet a real orchestra sounds different from what one usually ...
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
In price to performance ratio the Vincent KHV-1 preamplifier is the winner. The tubed design lends it sweet sound, no listening fatigue and tons of humanity. The KHV-1 provides ample amount of musical detail, amazing connectivity and ...
Hifi studio MeLissa, Brno, tel. +420 777 041 313
It was as if the recording venue had new air filters installed and an extra dose of oxygen was pumped in during a performance – the sense of vertigo was very strong and I did not want to return back to the ´dusty´sound of everything ...
Hanzel Audio, Komárno, tel. +421 905 400 770
Philosophically speaking, how it is possible that the Audiomat listeners say that the voice of Frank Sinatra in Nice & Easy is perfectly realistic, undistorted and tonally correct? None of them have ever had a chance to hear ...
Interaudio SK, Komárno, tel. +421 905 884 677
The C2500 belongs to the cream of the McIntosh's catalogue and consequently it will be a natural choice for the brand's devotees. Unfortunately, as much as I liked its appearance I was dissapointed by its sound.
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Any McIntosh product can be recognized from a distance. One would not mistaken chromed retro-knobs, gothic lettering, grave black fascias and oversized blue-lit meters for anything else. One single McIntosh looks impressive in a dark ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
The Creek OBH-22 was a heart-stopper. When I substitued different preamps with it or when I used it as a front end of integrated amplifiers, it did not do anything that would impair the sound. So actually it did what it was supposed ...
High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
With a pair of good active speakers there is no need for the amplifier. Still a volume control center may come in handy. The Level Pilot of Danish TC Electronic - this is the Tannoy consortium of audio brands - does exactly this: ...
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078