
Digital sources

These devices do not employ breakthrough technologies or revolutionary topology, rather they are built around reliable solutions and with attention to detail. Such components can be found in a mastering studio rather than in fetishistic audiophile’s den.

100% reference

Function and form

Ease of use

Both the devices are dual mono. By this Van Medevoort significantly reduces crosstalk between channels and achieves exquisite signal to noise ratios: 126dB is a very respectable value. The CT460 uses Philips’s CDPro2LF CD transport which has become a benchmark already a decade ago, yet it is much more sound and environment friendly now with its heavy die-cast metal frame and lead-free design (hence LF). The transport is mounted to the chassis through an elastic block to eliminate mechanical crosstalk and increase data reading accuracy.

There is the usual number of options how to inter-connect the transport and the DAC; there are 8 numbered buttons on the front panel of the DA468 that correspond to the numbered inputs on its rear panel. I consider this to be the super-easy solution for guiding a user without necessity to think or look into the device’s operating manual. There are SPDif RCA, AES/EBU,Toslink or USB standards plus Van Medevoort’s Q-Link/I2S connection that separates data streams from master clock control. To make this connection four identical coaxial cables will be needed. If your cables are directional then pay attention to the fact that the direction from master clock (MCK) is inverse to the others.

Bass management


I have to say that I loved working with the transport. By sliding the lid of the CD silo you open a roomy space for inserting a disc. Unlike many competitors with CDPro the CT460 leaves plenty room for your fingers and for the disc itself so it is easy to insert. Also the central element of the transport is nicely rounded so the CD slides in nicely even in a dark room. The only thing that needs to be done is to position the magnetic clamp. By closing the silo the transport reads the disc and is ready to play. Now, Van Medevoort’s CD machine is one of the fastest reading machines I’ve ever encounter. The disc information is read faster than you get back to your listening chair and it also reads CD-RW discs. Also the other software, like direct access to a track, is swift and instant. No noise, no delays, no issues. Comparing to the Van Medevoort working with, for example, Luxman’s D-06 was a chore.

Clarity & delicacy


I tested the Van Medevoort's combo through Toslink, AES/EBU and the Q-Link. The first two gave me comparable results that differ depending on the music program I played – with some music I preferred optical with some I liked the other standard. But comparing any of those to the Q-Link is senseless as the Q-Link gave me much clearer and better defined insight into music. When I switched back to the Toslink I felt like driving a car in snowstorm. It is better to have blue sky and clear view, isn’t it?

Whatever is the sampling frequency of the signal on any input the DA468 internally upsamples to 24bit/192kHz. If a different bit depth or sampling frequency is your preference then I’m sorry, you just cannot make a choice. But there is no reason for that.

Tonal accuracy

Temporal resolution

No matter if I listened to Kiss’ Double Platinum, Songs from The Road of Leonard Cohen or The Very Best of Enya, I always could hear the differences and individualities of different tracks. There was no tendency from the VMs to ameliorate the sonic character of the songs – the bad sounds sounded bad, the good sounds were immaculate – but always very transparent and honest.

Another great moment for the VMs is how they reproduce rock music. The intimate jazz numbers of Patricia Barber or Diana Krall plays nice through many devices but fiery rock numbers are much harder nut to crack for many. It is almost as if high end manufacturers discriminated us, rock lovers, for some reason. The recording are often played back too soft, too technical, too sterile or just simply bad. Not Van Medevoort.

Battle Hymns MMXII (Manowar) does not exhibit the dynamic qualities of the band’s best days but it is very well produced measured by todays standards. The sound is clean, athletic and aggressive. The first track just exploded into my listening room through the CT460 and DA468 combo. The electric bass reaches nice lows and the VMs take no prisoners here – the bass is vibrating and punishing. The other end of the frequency spectrum is sparkling, extended and defined so you miss no air or delicacy.

Spatial resolution

Soundstage width
Soundstage depth

It is always good to think beyond the device investment. Some extra payment can elevate the listening experience to new heights – interconnecting cables, digital cables, power leads or supports. For the Q-Link I used Actinote Arias, Cardas Clear was used to preamplifier and for power routes I had four sets on hand - Nordost Valhalla original versions, Cardas Clear, Actinote Aria and Block Snakeblock. In my set up I preferred the mixed wiring, the Valhalla for the DAC and the Snakeblock for the transport, that provided nicely deep and contoured lows, yet I also liked the duo of Arias for its layered soundstage or the duo of Clears for subtle its color shading. Do not be afraid to experiment to get your preferred sound.

However, I went beyond that and experimented a bit with components’ supports. My room was cluttered at the time of review with dozens of different after-market feet so it was easy to play with them. Not surprisingly the best result was obtained with six Stillpoints Mini (3 under each component). The difference between the factory feet and the Stillpoints eas like a difference of sitting in 5th and 50th row at a performance.

Price as reviewed:216 000,- Kč

Recommended resellers

Audio Ranny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134

Associated components

  • CD players: Accuphase DP-720
  • Amplifiers: Accuphase A-70, Van Medevoort PSQ-CAQ-PAQ
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Actinote Aria, Nordost Valhalla V2, Audioquest Redwood, Cardas Clear
  • Loudspeakers: Bowers & Wilkins 802 Diamond
  • Power conditioning: Nordost Thor (modified), Nordost Valhalla, Block Audio Snakeblock



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