
Digital sources

Every new product from this Japanese manufacturer is a small feast, especially if it is a device positioned at the top of the product line. Also, although affordability may be a relative term, spending under 20,000 euro for a digital player of this calibre seems like a good deal in today's audio world.

100% reference

Function and form

Ease of use

I assume it is not necessary to go through all the technologies that Accuphase uses in their players. The more seasoned readers are familiar with them already as Accuphase has been employing the same principles for over 20 years, although a 20-year-old Accuphase player and the DP-770 would sound radically different. By systematically improving and polishing every single part and parameter in each model generation, the whole has been improved to the current state-of-the-art. It also means, that with the new generation, the DP-770 will become a former state-of-the-art. The DP-770 continues using 8 parallel MDSD D/A converters (build around ESS Technologies ES9028 PRO chip), balanced architecture, noise suppression circuits, a highly customized SACD/CD transport, and a heavy resonance-tuned chassis. Please check the picture attached to this article for the complete list of specifications or visit Accuphase’s website for detailed technical insights (Accuphase is one of the few who let you peek inside their kitchen). So, instead of reprinting what’s available elsewhere, I will focus on the differences between my own DP-720 player and the new model.

At first glance both machines look quite similar, it is only at second glance when I started to notice small differences. With every new model, it is a rule of thumb that Accuphase subtly changes the layout and/or shape of the buttons and how the display is arranged. The new one appears to have more edges and more right angles; this is due to both the enlargement of the display rectangle and its recessing into a sort of bezel, and the change in the profile of the buttons, which were previously slightly convex, but are now flatter. Their tactile feel has also changed, both on the player itself and on its remote control. The earlier buttons provided a better feel, you knew when they were pushed. The new version has a really low stroke, and I was not sure whether I pressed them or not. Once you get used to it, it works flawlessly, however. For some mysterious reason, Accuphase also felt the urge to change the front panel print. This used to be more subtle with thinner letter lines; now it looks a bit like a cheap screen print with too much paint used. You probably won't notice these differences without having both the players side by side, or without having lived with Accuphase gear for some time.

Bass management


The bass performance is the most audible point of difference that I heard when I compared the DP-770 head-to-head with my DP-720. I wonder how the DP-750 would perform in this respect. The DP-770’s bass is not deeper nor weightier, rather it is better controlled, firmer, and more finely articulated. Thus, the bass spends less time in speakers, revealing an extra portion of information in recordings that would otherwise remain buried under the bass smear. And because the Accuphase is a master of subtle details and harmonic refinement, it means whole new layers of enjoyment are uncovered, bringing the music another step closer to how it would sound if performed live.

With every upcoming generation of electronics, Accuphase works hard on improving the signal-to-noise ratio. The DP-770 is not different and improves over its predecessors, if only by a few dBs. As unimportant as the improvement looks on paper, it is audible. The background is super-quiet and there is zero electric hash, as if the device was powered by a clean power supply. For the record, both players I compared (DP-720/DP-770) were powered by Stromtank, still the DP-770 was quieter and provided a darker backdrop for instruments. Especially single affairs, like a drumstick hitting a cymbal, or a single stroke on a piano key, are absolutely mesmerizing through the DP-770.

Clarity & delicacy


Not to be limited by the Accuphase family only, I organized another head-to-head comparison. Polish High Fidelity online magazine had collaborated with Ayon Audio to improve Ayon’s flagship player, CD-35. Although the Ayon CD-35 HF Edition is a great SACD player that includes a DAC and a preamplifier as a bonus, the DP-770 is better. Again, the bass is the area where it is audible the most. The Accuphase provides punchier transients, grippier and tighter kicks in your stomach, better textures, and lower noise. The DP-770 is more delicate in how it approaches the sound, it resolves with a bigger palette of colour shades. The luxury of its sound may not always be welcome - with rock music the Ayon was perhaps more enjoyable with its straightforward and no-frills playback.

In comparison with my DP-720, the result was not clear cut either. The DP-770 moves the soundstage a bit further behind the speakers which makes it seductively deep. This suits well classical music where the DP-770 beats every player on the market. Acoustic jazz with vocals is another cup of tea – there you want the vocalist to be upfront and connecting with you. DP-720 can do this better, the voices are more singing for me, while the DP-770´s rendering is slightly distant and less connected. However, the vocals are sweeter, more articulated, and very nuanced through the DP-770, and they emerge stark crisp against the background.

Tonal accuracy

Temporal resolution

The Accuphase DP-770 is sensitive to power cables. Choose wise as the power cable can make or break the sound in this case. With the DP-720 I had tried dozens of brands and models, and I tried several with the DP-770 too. The ways we power up the audio devices are highly individual, and I encourage to experiment; what works the best for me may not work the best for you. From what I have tried, I have got the best result with AAI Maestoso and Stage III Concepts Kraken. Another great power cable, Synergistic Research SRX, was not the best match, the sound got a bit nervous and lost its smooth composure. Another reference of mine, the Ansuz Mainz C2, could be a good runner up to AAI/Stage III, as well as AudioQuest Thunder and Hurricane, that performed very well with the DP-720, so they should with the DP-770.

Spatial resolution

Soundstage width
Soundstage depth

The Accuphase DP-770 is a digital player masterpiece, the same high standard as Taiko streamers are for non-physical media formats. While previous generations of Accuphase’s players focused on exploiting the best from SACD playback, the DP-770 is as good with CDs as with SACDs. Which means that it provides better sound from a CD layer than its rivals provide from an SACD layer. As a silver disc audiophile, I am thankful for a brand that pushes the limits of the media to yet unheard territories. In the Accuphase’s innovation cycle, the launch of the DP-770 halves the interval between the existing DP-1000/DC-1000 flagship and its upcoming successor. But this is a two-box solution. Among integrated digital players, the DP-770 is the king.

Price as reviewed:490 000,- Kč

Recommended resellers

Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690

Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078

Associated components

  • Sources: Accuphase DP-720, Ayon CD-35 HF Edition
  • Amplifiers: TAD M-2500, Audia Flight Strumento No.8, Accuphase A-80
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: AudioQuest Dragon Bass | Zero, Krautwire Numeric Digital, Ansuz Signalz C2, Synergistic Research SRX, Nordost Tyr 2
  • Loudspeakers:  TAD Revolution One, Sonus Faber Gravis I, Silent Laboratories Equilibrium, Fyne Audio F-703 SP
  • Power conditioning: Stage III Concepts Kraken, Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 2, Synergistic Research SRX, AAI Maestoso, AAI Assoluto, Silent Laboratories S.W. I, II & III, Shunyata Research Denali 6000T, Synergistic Research Galileo SX Ground Block, RD Acoustics EMI Neutralizer, GMG Power X-Blocker, GMG Power microUNIT, Stromtank S-1000, Nordost QPoint, Qb8, Qv2, QWave, QSine, Diamond Sound Ground jednotky



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Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078



Every new product from this Japanese manufacturer is a small feast, especially if it is a device positioned at the top of the product line. Also, although affordability may be a relative term, spending under 20,000 euro for a digital ...

Recommended resellers

Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690

Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078



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