Diva Utopia is a full active speaker that keeps the Focal’s identity, yet manages to use quite unusual elements in how it is made. The result is a speaker that looks good, sounds good, and is easy to connect to anything. Is it enough ...
These Omnium speakers are a technological marvel and a wet dream of audio engineers. I cannot remember the last time when I had to use dictionary to understand all the finesse that was thrown into loudspeakers. And they are not even ...
Dreamaudio, Bratislava, +421 907 838 806
When you get interested in loudspeakers like the Tempesta 20, the horn concepts are probably close to your heart and sound preferences. If not, you'll probably pass them by in a big way. I'm in the latter group myself, but the very ...
Dreamaudio, Bratislava, +421 907 838 806
Subjectively speaking, the EOS 2 is a beautiful showpiece of industrial design. The ‘Stealth’ colourway with all the blacks on blacks looks gorgeous and reminds me of the golden era of the Japanese hifi, just blackened. The ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
The KEF R11 Meta is a technicist object – a perfect sharp-edged MDF block, very narrow (0.2m), very tall (1.3m) and reasonably deep (0.4m). The compactness and seven braces inside make the cabinets stiff and non-resonant.
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
This speaker has probably the longest name of all I have reviewed so far. Over the standard version of Berlina, it improves with some essential tweaks which will be discussed in this review. And, although none of the speakers in ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
Golden Ear has recently been taken over by AudioQuest. I'm not surprised, because the sound philosophy of both brands is similar and could be summed up in just four words: music first, sound second. Throw in this mix some serious ...
AQ s.r.o., Červenka, tel. +420 585 342 232
Classically styled new range of speakers from Fyne Audio look authentic and cute. I am not a connoisseur of British speaker-building school, yet these speakers somehow manage connecting traditions and modernity into a functioning and ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
The way the Perlisten S7t is designed – at least at first sight – reminds me of one of the last decade’s most iconic speaker, Revel Ultima. But the S7t is more than that, and it features some innovations that we see for the first ...
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
To me, the TD3.8 speaker is a landmark in Raidho’s catalogue. It is unambiguously Raidho with all the technologies inside, yet there are several important design features that set this model apart from virtually anything else ...
AV Center, Praha, +420 604 605 355
Horn Distribution (CZ) s.r.o., Praha, +420 773 467 646
The YG Acoustics‘ way of producing speakers, alike Magico, has more resemblancy to Airbus, than to usual carpenter workshops of other manufacturers, not only because YG uses the same milling machines. Most the parts are milled from ...
Dreamaudio, Bratislava, +421 907 838 806
Although the Austrian loudspeaker manufacture is not a newcomer, it operates under the high-end radar of many. I am regularly enjoying their sound during audio exhibitions over years, so I decided to give them a bit more exposure ...
AT: Studio Wiener Lautsprecher Manufaktur, Innsbruck
An experience that moves your soul. This is how Czech loudspeaker manufacturer presents the brand-new Canto range. For the company, the Canto is a milestone, so important that they decided to dedicate a special website to it. The ...
AQ s.r.o., Červenka, tel. +420 585 342 232
The brand-new addition to the “X Diamond” collection is an evolutionary change. Therefore, Estelon has decided to use MkII designation rather than a new model name. Unlike evolutionary changes of other audio brands, where the new ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
In Rockport Technologies, each crossover network is adjusted for each Avior II unit. All network’s components are matched to within a 1% tolerance, and only then the crossover is sealed in its place, that is the speaker’s base. After ...
Amarock Studio s.r.o., Kopřivnice, tel. +420 777 601 851
When employees separate from a big brand to establish a new enterprise under a so far unknown brand, they only get one chance to justify their move and prove the world it was worth it. Scots did exactly this and broke away from ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
The XRT2.1K speakers are a beautiful industrial work of art. Each weighing 160kg, each 2.1m tall, each employing not less than 81 (!) drivers, each capable to handle 2000 watts of power. In the room they look like Star Wars ...
E.P. Audio s.r.o., Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
The all-new flagship of Bowers & Wilkins is a contemporary piece of art. Although the company published mouthwatering images of the speaker, I must admit it looks even better in reality. The leather, the anthracite aluminum trimming, ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Michael Børresen is the man responsible for improving the ribbon tweeter design to one of the finest sounding units ever heard in the high-end audio. The former mastermind of Raidho Acoustics and Nordost power solutions is a part of ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
Who would think that Switzerland will make LSD an export article? In this case, however, it is not about pharmaceuticals, rather about audio, and the LSD stands for Line Source Driver that is at the heart of Master Line Source 3 ...
CPT Praha, Praha, +420 283 842 120
I like dating with any Indiana Line speaker every now and then. Their speakers follow a simple philosophy that can be summarized as ‘music first’, and they can skillfully juggle all the limitations that result from constrained ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 606 642 175
La Scala AL5 can be seen as an ‘affordable and modern’ version of classic Klipschhorn speakers. It is built like a piece of furniture, it looks like a piece of furniture and it’s as big as a piece of furniture. In the world of ...
With their “M” range California-based Magico have abandoned all-metal speaker cabinets in favor of building something like an F1 monopost: an engine (five engines in this case) mounted onto an elaborate and stiff yet lightweight ...
DE: Audio Components GmBH, Hamburg
The sound structures as if were cut out by Christmas dough stamp, contoured, beautiful, with a bit of sugar on top. Vivid Audio don’t have to proof to anyone that they can built great speakers so they also can afford a tad of ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
I have reviewed Heco’s Aleva GT 202 as part of our low cost stand-mounted monitors group test a couple of years ago. They looked gorgeous but were disappointing sound-wise. Enough reason to approach the review of Aurora 700 with a ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 606 642 175
Should I write just one word about the new Revel Performa F328Be it would be´Complete´. To my ears their designers have achieved a unique blend of effortlessness, drive, tonal honesty, and superb imaging, something that is ...
Absolute Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 739 377
Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
I experimented a lot in the course of the review of the Diva 660. It took some time but finally I arrived to the sound that nailed me to my listening chair. These rather common floorstanders denied their asking price and left me ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 605 333 663
If you are a devotee to Franco Serblin’s era of Sonus Faber then Accordo Essence will not, once again, disappoint. There is no revolution happening to the ‘essence’ of the Accordo monitors that we had reviewed earlier apart from the ...
Navrátil Audio, Havířov, tel. +420 737 821 360
The second (S2) generation of Vivid Audio’s Giya has arrived and once again it features the tapered teardrop enclosure that curls at the top. Whereas the looks of the G3 may be a subject of love-or-hate opinions, the way they sound ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
The Olympica Nova V, as a descendant of the Sonus Faber’s Olympica line, takes most construction elements from the previous models. Sonus Faber is synonymous with luxurious speaker design where ultimate craftsmanship meets exquisite ...
Jasyko, Brno, +420 541 210 108
Paradigm’s audience expects lifestyle products so the styling with its gently sloping curves and finish is top notch. On the Paradigm’s website one can configure its own variant by choosing from 18 beautiful cabinet finishes (with ...
VOIX, Praha, +420 602 624 221
The Dynamis is the not a slick design floorstander like your usual Italian loudspeaker. The Dynamis is a very adult speaker that comes each in a wooden crate of a wardrobe size. The zero series pair that I auditioned was already a ...
High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
I was left with mixed feelings after auditioning the Sonus Faber Amati Tradition speakers. They are impeccably built, they are euphonically voiced and they are backed by a well-crafted marketing story of grand proportions. However, I ...
E.P. Audio, Dobřejovice u Prahy, +420 323 605 088
Without dust caps the driver cones of the KEF R7 look futuristic and high-endish. Carbon black drivers and glossy piano black of the cabinets blend in an impeccable combination on a slim silhouette of the KEFs. Despite its small ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
Scansonic is a part of Danish Dantax Radio group, side by side with Raidho and recently acquired GamuT speakers. While its siblings are rather high-endish, the Scansonic represents opposite polarity - an affordable consumer brand. ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 222 715 959
The DF-5s are not a love at first listen. This proved to be their greatest asset after all. On the other hand they are quite demanding for in-room placement and if I should be honest I am not entirely sure that during the short ...
As long as you do not insist on concert pressure levels and can cope with monitor-like tonal balance the Electrino 250’s bring a lot of pleasure for just few bucks. Although these speakers were built within certain budget limitations ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 222 715 959
Oyster black is impressive on the new Vivid Audio’s speakers. A pair of the floorstanders looked like big smooth tipped pebbles in the room – no edge, no flat surface, no design disturbance whatsoever. “Kaya” stands for home in Zulu ...
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
Acoustique Quality has been around since early 90’s. The company’s loudspeakers were always close to what can be characterized a good value for money, with a bit of pre-2000 vibe. Speaker by speaker the guys in Acoustique Quality ...
AQ s.r.o., Červenka, tel. +420 585 342 232
When I reviewed Legacy Audio’s Aeris 3 years ago I had to surrender to the degree of punch, transparency and focus they delivered. It was the kind of unprecedented sonic revelation that leaves a listener with an open mouth and jaw ...
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
PMC is a British speaker company that primarily focuses on professional studio monitoring. Their speakers found home at many mastering studios and the fact that the company was awarded an Emmy® for their contribution to recording ...
Luxusni Elektronika, Zlín, tel. +420 721 123 123
The electrostatic panel that sticks up on a bulky subwoofer module is translucent thanks to a high degree of perforation. Thus the speakers virtually disappear from a listener's view and despite their size can fit into all but the ...
Audioego s.r.o., Praha, +420 222 722 425
The Raidho’s mastermind, Michael Børresen, made very deliberate choices in the D-speakers’ design not to lose the tinniest bit of speed and resolution. That’s why he banned large diaphragms and opted for slim, deep and rigid cabinets ...
4CE Distribution, s.r.o., Bratislava, +421 904 99 88 99
There is no cabinet, at least no conventional cabinet. It looks like a ship sailing on a glass plinth from side and it is almost invisible from front. It can be placed virtually anywhere in the room and yet it delivers - after some ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
In the past 2 years I had an opportunity to audition both the Estelon’s flagship Extreme model and their most affordable (still quite expensive) YB speakers. Both were remarkable. The Extremes defy any categorization and the YBs ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
Expect ‘a frighteningly dynamic, powerful, precise, transparent and yet extremely involving presentation, with natural colours of voices and instruments, along with the tremendous sense of authority and rock solid 3D stereo image’. ...
Navrátil Audio, Havířov, tel. +420 737 821 360
The story goes that Focal used Naim’s NAP amplifiers to voice the Sopra range which – according to my experience with Naim – is not a good endorsement. Fortunately the sound of Sopra N°2 is very well balanced as if Focal tried to ...
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
CZ: Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
Consider that you have a lot of money and want to get closer to the real world sound experience - then Magico Q7 is a great option. Your home will become 270kg of aluminum and carbon fibers heavier and your ears will get such a ...
DE: Audio Components GmBH, Hamburg
At a first glance the new 800 D3 speakers are built around the same principles like their successful predecessors, 800 Diamonds. And in fact they are – only that everything is a bit more extreme here - the cabinet, drivers, materials ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Look at what your competitors have and get inspired. Listen to you customers and get inspired. Review your own ideas and implement those that are relevant. Dress up the final product into an Armani suit. And here we have the Gold ...
The Kawero! Classics exhibit one of the finest workmanships I have ever experience. The way the speakers are built is exquisite and the selection of materials is mouthwatering. Kaiser Acoustics is a small family business so each pair ...
Exaudio, Praha, tel. +420 773 193 933
It was just a question of time when the big Blades will get a sibling. Here it is, named Blade Two. Like the big Blades the newcomers also have the thin and flat (visually, not sonically) polyurethane enclosures that are stabilized by ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
The Imperial Liszt is a 3-way loudspeaker. It features the brand new version of Vienna Acoustics' proprietary Flat-Spider-Cone coincidental driver that is derived directly from The Music, the company's flagship model. The tweeter and ...
Kohut Audio, Košice, tel. +421 905 642 156
The BA31 loudspeakers are part of Burmester's Ambience range that has been premiered just few months ago. Personally, I cannot clearly see who is the target group for this new range - the speakers look less luxurious than we are used ...
Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690
Audio Physic's original Cardeas was like an album of a respected band that was recorded just because it had to be recorded due to a contract. Not like the album that was recorded because the band wanted to. I sighed with relief that ...
CZ: High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
The Aurum Cantus V6Fs have the ability to dissapear from your ear-view - they move an orchestra to your living room instead and let you bathe in an expanding and transparent soundstage. After listening to the V6Fs you'll find ...
Hifi studio MeLissa, Brno, tel. +420 777 04 1313
The speaker slim and sharp edged cabinets represent a perfect example of Scandinavian “eco” school – they are both economically built and ecologically friendly. Do not mistaken eco for compromise – the speakers are exquisitely ...
Iryson, Kvetoslavov, tel. +421 903 418 345
The Bella Luna Diamantes are unique with their high frequencies radiator, the unusual design of midrange and bass units, and the way they interact with listening environment. What does it mean for a listener? Speed, neutral balance ...
AudioRanny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
Mainstream floorstanders are the subject of this review. They can be had at 1-2 monthly salaries and as such they can be yours if you skip family vacations this year. Unlike suntan these speakers will make you happy also in ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Should your priority is to blend the speakers with your interior and make them visually disappear, the Avantgarde Acoustic Uno Fino is not for you. I am not in favor of color lacquers on speakers and prefer natural veneers where ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
Unlike working with MDF boards machining and milling aluminum into highly precise parts is a breeze - provided that one owns state-of-the-art CNC machines and has unlimited source of aluminum billets and plates. A good part of Sonja ...
D: PIA Hifi, Německo
In the past Focal changed the material for its drivers several times, from paper and different polymers to Kevlar. Now the company has decided to go even more organic - the all new Aria 936s use flax fiber in their drivers. And, boy, ...
CZ: Horn Distribution, Praha, +420 272 656 485
All of us know the defining moments when we think that we have precised the sound of our systems to a perfection when, without a warning, we experience such a sonic progress through a new component or a cable that we cannot sleep at ...
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
With the TAD Evolution One be prepared for a performance that cannot be heard anywhere else. Perhaps due to the professional heritage of the Reference One the Evolution Ones are less high-end and more studio-like in their ...
D&D Distribution, Krefeld, +49 2151 932 618
I was stunned by the ultimate craftsmanship – to me the Olympica represents the essence of beauty in modern cabinetmaking. They always knew in Sonus Faber how to appeal to emotions and every Sonus Faber speaker does have certain ...
HI-FI studio TYKON, Ostrava, tel. +420 723 449 894
Navrátil Audio, Havířov, tel. +420 737 821 360
Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
The mids are perfect, beguilingly tonally rich and very neutral if I may say so. The speakers were not pushing the sound to me, rather they were inviting me through an open door to take a part in the performance. For the Eagles it ...
High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
It does not happen too often that I start thinking about purchasing the reviewed component. And it never happens that such thoughts are motivated by a desire to own the component for pure joy. The Indiana Line Tesi 560s triggered ...
HiFi Sound, Brno, tel. 605250923
The Audio Physic’s HHCM midrange drivers are fantastic. The realism of both male and female vocals through the Avanteras is nothing short of magic. The Avanteras skillfully blend a cocktail full of colors, sonority, textures, ...
CZ: High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Sony helped to create an audio tape. They gave birth to walkman. They revolutionarized red-book format and digitalized tape recording into the MiniDisc. They had started the battle for a higher resolution and won it with the SACD ...
Sony Czech, Praha
I tried to intimidate the speakers with playing loud music louder than life and expected the woofers’ membranes to hit their stops or hear the cabinets rattling. I tried to demolish the speakers with cannons from Tchaikovsky's ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Profimedia, Opava, 553 759 017
The 802 Diamond appeared to be the most placement sensitive speakers I had ever had to place. This is not to say that I could not enjoy the great sound immediately after the speakers replaced my then resident speakers, but to ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Profimedia, Opava, 553 759 017
It is senseless to discuss the Sasha’s dynamics that are great in the typical Wilson Audio fashion. More importantly, the Sasha is capable of capturing the soul of the music and this happens also with not-so-perfect recordings, like ...
Finale Audio, Praha, tel. +420 221 014 604
What the Scalas are superb at is their tonal fidelity and top-to-bottom seamlessness. It is very rare to meet a loudspeaker that does not show off yet it is apparently correct in what it does. Today everyone tries to make an ...
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
CZ: Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
The M5's stunned me with their breathtaking dynamics and open and transparent sound. Which is something I love and also something I enjoyed with many other superb speakers. However, what I was not prepared for was the fact that some ...
Iryson, Kvetoslavov, tel. +421 903 418 345
To sum it up, the Pathos Frontiers Prime features 6 transducers radiating in 3 non-parallel planes, which is a sort of a unique solution. Pathos calls it SST, which stands for Sound Set Technology, with the simple goal: to eliminate ...
High-End Audio Studio, Belgická 4, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
When I set my eyes on the Constellation Cygnus for the first time I wanted to exclaim 'what a beautiful walnut veneer!'. Only later I learnt that the use of veneer would degrade the work of art of Chario: the panels of the Cygnus are ...
High-End Audio Studio, Belgická 4, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844
The ancient jangara cymbal sound is not unlike honing a samurai sword’s blade - the steeliness sends shivers down your spine. The surrealistic sounds like this immediately let you know that this is the real cream of speakers and not ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
They look like ordinary rectangular blocks, something you would expect. But wait - what is the strange thing in the middle of the driver? Dva obyčejné kvádry na čtvercové podstavě, ani zezadu nic extra zajímavého, ale počkat… co tam ...
Interaudio, Komárno, +421 905 884 677, Slovenská republika
The Giulia is a beautiful loudspeaker. It does not feature state-of-the-art technologies. It is not designed by a flamboyant architect. The Giulia is the complete "back to the roots" of loudspeaker building - it features fine ...
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
Unlike the previous generations of B&W’s the new Diamonds are real diamonds. Within its price range they rank amongst the best available loudspeakers and in certain aspects (airy detail, excellent soundstaging, responsiveness and ...
Eurostar Ostrava, Dobřejovice u Prahy, tel. + 420 323 606 877
Jasyko, Brno, 541 210 108
Profimedia, Opava, 553 759 017
The Usher CP-8571 DMDs are specified from 26Hz, however, subjectively they go far lower than that. In the bass region the difference between the Dancer Mini Ones and the CP-8571’s is like the difference between driving VW Golf and VW ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 222 715 959
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The Supersonics were visually inspired by Lamborghini Countach racer. The functional elegance of the Lamborghini does not come at budget costs and neither the Ante does. The price tag of €160,000 keeps the Supersonics in the company ...
Media Control, Bratislava, SK, +421 905 613 928
Have you ever noticed how much people cough during classical or acoustic jazz concerts? each and every silent section or break is populated by coughing people no matter where the perfromance takes place. The coughing in A Case of You ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
The first good thing to put down is that there is a surprisingly wide sweet-spot window. It does not really matter if you move your head left or right – you are always getting the same - that is the best possible - sound. Dispersion ...
Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
Absolute Audio, Praha, tel. +420 777 739 377
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The Pioneer S-3EXs are beautifully built speakers. They look good on photos but they look even better in reality. The curves of the speakers as if were sculpted by Michelangelo's chissel.
Basys CS, Praha tel. +420 234 706 700,
Grieg’s Peer Gynt orchestral suite opens with a magic and moody flute that lures a listener into an early morning landscape. The soothing sound is supported by velvety strings that are joint by the rest of the orchestra with tour de ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 222 715 959
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
Dynaudio doubled the midrange driver for the C2 II (which is not exceptional) but it also doubled the tweeter (which is exceptional). All the drivers are arranged in a kind of pseudo-d´Appolito arrangement that is derived from ...
Audiostudio s.r.o., Olomouc, tel. +420 608 752 475
Úžasný zvuk, překvapivá hodnota. Tak takhle nějak to stojí ve sloganu taiwanských Usher. Spíše než z dálného východu však vypadají, jako by Be-10 přišly od Armaniho. Navíc pro Usher hraje i fakt, že si většinu komponentů firma vyrábí ...
Horizon Trading Prague, Praha, +420 222 715 959
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The design of the rather slim Mission 796 speakers is elegantly timeless. Side walls are tapered towards the back in aerodynamic curves, the high gloss finish is spotless and quality of build is luxurious. The Missions are simply one ...
Excelia HiFi, Chrudim, tel. +420 724 00 77 44
In Wilson Audio they have been always promoting extremely strict production tolerances. They say they use two types of soldering metal depending on which frequencies should be passed through the join, and also that internal cables ...
Finale Audio, Praha, +420 605 419 162
The Wharfedale Diamond 9.5s belong to a serious product category. Entry-level speakers do form our opinions on hifi for many years to come. Very often they set a kind of sonic benchmark: we do not like to depart from the sonic ...
RP Audio , Ostrava, +420 596 110 872
Yamaha proves once again that it needs to be counted with. The Soavo 1s are - at their price region - seriously designed speakers with good value. They combine full range floorstanders with monitor-like focus, all packed in nicely ...
K+B Expert, Praha tel. +420 272 122 259,