QUANTUM Qx4 EMF Stabilizer


Power conditioners

With the QRT unit there was no significant boost to dynamics, neither I heard blacker backgrounds, more detail or better soundstaging. That explains, why there is no striking perception of change when the unit is listened to casually. Then, what did actually happen? First of all, vocal parts appeared to be much closer to the real thing than before. With approximately the same amount of resolution and tonality, the vocals gained in textural detail and emotionality, they rang with clarity, inner tension and involvement. As if something on a molecular level had happened that caused the singer to be here just for you.

Funkce a forma


The QRT unit is quite a small device measuring 27 x 8 x 19,5 cm and weighing 5kg. It looks like an ordinary alumium case with rounded edges and grey side-panels, wearing QRT´s logo on its front. On its rear panel you can find IEC and Schuko socket (one each) and an ON-OFF switch that activates/deactivates the quantum field function. When the switch is OFF, the circuitry is bypassed and the unit is invisible for the mains. It is that simple.

According to Quantum Resonant Technology the circuitry inside should affect electromagnetic fields and high frequency interference (RFI) without having an impact on voltage swing and source impedance, unlike conventional mains filtering devices. William Stierhout of QRT explained for UltraAudio magazine that ´Quantum Resonance Technology is a material treatment system utilizing quantum electrodynamic field theory in a proprietary manner to enhance the transfer function characteristic of conductive materials. The quantum scalar field is generated by two microprocessor generators and (it) is a more efficient means to influence existing signals EMF signals in the space occupied by the appliances, including a stereo system. As a result, the erratic and random behavior of small-signal current (audio, video, data, analog/digital) as well as the AC current is corrected.´

Nízké frekvence


The QRT unit should be primarily placed between a wall socket and your power strip or other power distribution block. Let´s put it very simple: you will just connect the Qx4 to the wall and the Schuko socket on its rear will be used by your equipment instead of the wall socket. If there is no power strip available, the second best option is to use the QRT with your preamplifier or integrated amplifier. Of course you can use the QRT with both. You can even place it in the proximity to your loudspeakers. Wherever you wish. The only condition is that the QRT should be as close as possible to the device that is to be ´treated´ - ideally above or below it, as the unit is designed to focus the field up and down. When you are finished you can start playing with the switch on its rear to compare the sound of system before and after the quantum treatment.

Well, I did what they had instructed me to do, eagerly anticipating the final effect. But nothing significant happened. I tried to connect the QRT to my power amplifier, preamplifier or SACD player (one by one) with very ephemeral results. Though I believed that a sufficient quantum cloud had been created to impact the equipment within its reach I was not able to reliably distinguish between when the unit was ON and when it was OFF.

Čistota rozlišení


A couple of days later, the Qx4 stabilizer travelled with me to other listening sessions, where Class A integrated amplifiers from Accuphase and Luxman were put under audiodrom‘s scrutiny. So we included the quantum box as well. The tests were not organized as blind ones, listeners did know when the Qx4 was ON or OFF, so I expected some psychoacoustics to take over, but still the result was commented like „... perhaps the guitars are better delineated... maybe improvements on mids... I have a slightly better perception of stereo... the highs are cleaner, even brighter?.. .really do not know...“ Well, we didn´t make any significant advancement in our review, did we?

Quite recently I have been scrutinizing the impact of Accuphase´s preamplifier on my Accuphase A-60 power amplifier. With the preamp in place, the sound of the system changed towards sophistication, nobility and lushness (which was very appealing, though not necessarily the sound that I preferred, due to some trade-offs that came along) and as a consequence, the emotional involvement made a leap forward. Similarly, the Qx4 was about microchanges and the emotional involvement, but this time with no trade-offs.

Tonální věrnost


Although the impact of the Qx4 can be heard in a cheap system too, the total contribution of the unit (or any other quantum module) will be appreciated the most in a finalized high-grade system. In the cheap system, more significant sonic changes are achievable by simply upgrading some of its components to better ones. In a carefully matched high-end system, you can replace whatever you wish but you will never realize such a type of change that is achievable by a quantum unit. Perhaps the QRT is the legendary 1% that is needed for a system to sound 100% perfect.


Šířka scény
Hloubka scény

Before we managed to publish this review (it had been waiting three months in a queue) an unique opportunity had emerged. Thanks to the activities of Nordost’s local distributo we gathered 17 QRT modules (!) and let everything in our listening room bath in the multiplied powerful quantum cloud they generated. The practical set-up looked like this: one Nordost Thor distribution unit, two Qx4 units between the Thor and power amplifiers in bi-amping mode, and four Qx2 units in the proximity to our CD player, preamplifier and bass drivers of the loudspeakers that were used. To make the exercise simple, we chose quite a complex acoustic track (Vienna Teng, Grandmother’s Song from Inland Territory, Zoe Records).

To keep it short, we experienced the effects described before, just the scale was bigger. Quite unexpectedly, when we switched off the pair of Qx2´s guarding the loudspeakers, the formerly spacious soundstage suddenly imploded and its vivid colours became faded. By repeating the on-off switching procedure one by one with all the units we could confirm, that each of the quantum devices in use did have a positive impact. However, the biggest contribution was noted with the loudspeakers.
If you decide to go for such a massive quantum treatment you will need a 10,000 euro budget. You can reach, however, very good results with just one unit already, provided it is properly positioned (this is the key element with this product). Then, and only then, you will hear things you have not heard before.

Note: The DRS rating, 100%, means that the unit was absolutely transparent for all components that were reviewed with it. Thus the final effect cannot be quantified.

Cena v době recenze:45 000,- Kč

Doporučení prodejci

Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690

Připojené komponenty

  • Sources: Accuphase DP-78, eMM Labs TSD1/DAC2
  • Amplifiers: Accuphase A-60, Accuphase C-2000, Accuphase E-210A, Accuphase E-550, Audiomat Opera, Audiomat Festival, Creek OBH-22, Copland CSA-29, Luxman L-550AII, Vincent KHV-1
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Krautwire Fractal, Homegrown Audio HGA DNA, Audioquest Cheetah, Audioquest Pikes Peak, Audioquest Volcano, Audioquest Panter
  • Loudspeakers:  Dynaudio Confidence C2, JmLab Focal Alto Utopia, Audio Physic Virgo V, Usher Be-718
  • Power conditioning: Nordost Valhalla, Shunyata Research Python Zi-Tron, Furutech Powerflux



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