GRYPHON Diablo 333


Integrated amplifiers

I had never worshipped the visual extravaganza of Gryphon. But this attitude has changed with the updated aesthetics of the brand’s electronics and speakers. In front of me, there is a beautifully made 50kg heavy industrial object, that looks even better live than in the pictures. And this object provides fantastic sound – it is one of the best integrated amplifiers I have auditioned to date.

Funkce a forma


All the shades of black and the combination of matte and glossy surfaces, the Gryphon logo smouldering red under the hardened glass, the large dimmable and easy to read TFT display that looks like OLED behind the dark screen, the machined cooling fins – every single detail of the Diablo 333 amplifier was carefully considered before it went to production. And when placed on the Gryphon’s own Atlas platform (see the pictures below this review), the amp’s appearance is just stunning.

The Diablo 333 officially is a Class AB amplifier, although, according to my information, it delivers first 8W in Class A. Probably it does as it becomes very warm during operation. The technology used here is trickled down from the Gryphon Apex flagship power amplifier: ultrafast devices, zero global negative feedback, over-dimensioned transformers, massive filtering capacity (68,000uF per channel), short and heavily coppered signal paths, and a strict dual mono configuration in one chassis. The Gryphon Diablo 333 delivers 333 watts into 8 ohms, 666 watts into 4 ohms, and whopping 1100 watts into 2 ohms. Call it a powerhouse.

Nízké frekvence


The volume is adjusted by microprocessor-controlled 43-step balanced relay volume attenuator. The 2dB steps does not represent the finest (in terms of the number of steps) attenuator out there, but it works well, and I could not observe any degradation of sound at any of its settings. The Diablo 333 is a well-equipped amplifier and fully configurable either via its touch display or the enclosed remote controller. I recommend the latter if you do not want to end up cleaning all the fingerprints from the hardened glass panel (end from elsewhere). There are both balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA inputs, by-passable for unity gain in home cinema applications. Also included, there is quite rarely seen tape loop (RCA In/Out), that may be useful also for external equalizers or digital DSP (like Accuphase DG-68). Two slots at the rear of the amplifier enable add DAC and Phono modules. The DAC uses ESS Sabre ES9039PRO chip and has several inputs - USB (PCM: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8 and 384kHz;  up to 32bit DSD: 64, 128, 256, 512), optical Toslink (PCM: 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48, 64, 88.2, 96kHz, up to 24bit),  AES/EBU, and two coaxial S/PDIF on BNC connectors (PCM: 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48, 64, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192kHz, up to 32 bit). The DAC can be configured to use one of its seven digital filters. The MM/MC phono module is balanced and as such it only provides XLR inputs. All RIAA settings can be made by the help of micro-switches. As a bonus, the Diablo 333 has an RCA subwoofer output with 12dB gain. There is no headphone output – buying such an amplifier for headphone listening is not expected.

Čistota rozlišení


The initialization sequence takes about a half a minute despite there are no tubes inside. While you are waiting, the winged lion will blink at you. The first impression is not industrial, quite contrary. The sound is relaxed and generous, with roomy soundstage and impressive dynamics. It is the involving type of playback: although the amp has wonderful grip on sound, it does not try to throw the sound at you, it takes you away with the sound. What does it mean for listening? It encouraged me to sit and listen to whole albums, not just tracks, for the sound is served with grace and confidence. To start with, the sound is smooth, and it gravitates towards the bottom of the frequency response. Or, in an alternative view, its sound is built from solid bass-midrange fundaments up. While this is not surprising, considering the brand’s usual sonic fingerprint, the Diablo 333 leans towards more open version of neutrality and its sound is not as creamy-thick as it was with the Gryphons I auditioned in the past.

Tonální věrnost


The piano that opens Morning Bird from Sade´s Soldier of Fortune collection is magical through the Diablo 333, no matter how compressed it is, but it is not the Gryphon’s fault. The insight into how the instrument builds the sound is impeccable, from the noise of its mechanics to hammers hitting strings and the resonance of its sound board. The Diablo plays precisely defined transients as good as it let each tone bloom with its own harmonic envelope. This completeness sets this Gryphon apart from most of the integrated competition. One of my all-time integrated favorites, Accuphase E-5000, has a very similar sonic philosophy, yet it cannot compete with the Diablo in the sheer authority of the bass. In this respect, the 333 has the ability to outperform even many preamplifier + power amplifier combos.


Šířka scény
Hloubka scény

Imaging of the Diablo 333 is top-notch, and its soundstage is roomy and expansive, although the separation of images still has some room for improvement. For about the same money (including necessary interconnects) one can have Mola Mola Makua + Kaluga combination that bests the Diablo in pinpoint accuracy and delineation. On the other hand, it lacks the richness that makes the Gryphon so adorable.

Yes, the Diablo 333 is not cheap. However, one must consider if to prefer this fully configurable beast with short signal paths and integrated everything to a stack of separates (preamplifier, power amplifier or monos, DAC, phono amplifier). Although I see the audiophile logic in having separates, it is important to realize all the noise, interference, and extra money that must be spent for power cables and interconnects, each leaving its own unavoidable fingerprint on what you hear.  As far as I’m concerned, if I was hard-pressed to build my system from scratch, I would choose the Diablo 333. I cannot but place the Gryphon Diablo 333  at the very top of Audiodrom’s integrated amplifiers chart.

Cena v době recenze:646 000,- Kč

Doporučení prodejci

RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831

Připojené komponenty

  • Sources: Gryphon Ethos, Audionet Planck
  • Amplifiers: Gryphon Diablo 333
  • Loudspeakers: Gryphon EOS 2
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Gryphon Vanta
  • Power conditioning: Gryphon Vanta



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Doporučení prodejci

RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831



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Doporučení prodejci

CZ: Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690

SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078


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Doporučení prodejci

CZ: Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690

SK: Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078



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Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078



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Doporučení prodejci

Perfect Sound Group, Praha, tel. +420 722 960 690



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Doporučení prodejci

Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078



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Doporučení prodejci

Navrátil Audio, Havířov, +420 737 821 360

Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078

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