

the DNA interconnect is built upon technology that made another HGA cable, Silver Lace, to be a phenomenal success. The secret of Silver Lace is in its braided geometry of eight strands of silver wires woven into an optimized round Litz-concept, combined with Teflon dielectric. The cable won audiophiles over by naturalness, effortless and musicality. The DNA goes far beyond that.

100% reference

Funkce a forma


Resemblance of a spiral architecture of the interconnect to the helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid is apparent. The design of the DNA is all about very carefully tuned geometry to minimize microphonic resonances. However, the configuration of the wires in the right-handed helix partly neutralizes RMF-reducing properties of the Litz braid geometry, that’s why HGA recommends caution in case you need to use very long runs of wire (for example between preamplifier and amplifier). However, the listener should have no problem using standard lengths of up to 3-4m.

As mentioned, DNA is building upon Silver Lace cable, but its design varies from the aforementioned in many ways. One of the most unusual features is the reduction of the number of conductors. In audiophile world, the more refined the design is, the higher number of conductors is usually employed. Whereas Silver Lace is built on 8 silver strands, there are only 4 wires carrying the signal in the DNA. Another important change is the elimination of the Teflon dielectric in favor of a cotton. In the DNA design there is the central damping core and cotton covered wires that are coated with nylon for extra protection.

Nízké frekvence


Balanced versions use reference Neutrik XLR connectors, single ended designs provide options for either Eichmann RCA plugs (special design for reduction of distortion through elimination of eddy currents by single return contact – similar to star earthing in amplifiers) or silver plated LOK connectors.

The LOK Silver Point RCA terminations can be get also separately from HGA and are worthwhile mentioning. The connector is of locking-barrel construction (set as an industry standard by WBT) with the body plated in silver and outer layer treated by rhodium for protection. The center pin is a hollow core made of the same silver that is used in wires, but it is said to be tempered differently. Interestingly, the center pin is not rhodium-plated but kept purely silver instead. Those knowledgeable (or generous to their girlfriends and/or wives) know that untreated silver easily oxidize developing silver oxide film on its surface. Unlike copper verdigris, the silver oxide is as conductive as silver, so the properties of the contact do not degrade over the time. Clever.
Using the review pair terminated with LOK Silver Point connectors I have no issue at all, in fact I preferred them to my WBT’s Nextgens. Repeated connecting and disconnecting Nextgens during the review process is far from being safe & easy as the barrels are rather fragile and there is a risk of damage to them. Operating the LOKs is easy, safe and the contact is reliable. I liked them indeed.

Čistota rozlišení


I started my audition of the DNAs with symphonic majesty at its best, Allegro non Troppo of Shostakovich’s Eighth (Symphony No.8, LSO Live SACD), swapping Cross interconnect by Cardas Audio and immediately heard an increased sense of ambience. I’m not going to say that the soundstage was deeper or finer layered, but I’m going to say that the dense image of the golden-lit concert hall was replaced by airy, ambient and very natural sounding soundstage. Clearly identifiable on the sways of cellos, and on precision of brass and thuds of timpani, it was clear right away that the DNA is a special cable.

Tonální věrnost


All the drama and inner resolution of the symphony was captured perfectly with the HGA without sacrificing neither the smallest details, nor the natural weight and solidity of the instruments. The acoustic tonal palette delivered by the Cross is reputable, however, the DNA somehow managed to keep the subtle shadings and removed the veils of coloration of the Cardas cable. Well, this is natural, we know what the Cross is all about, you say. Let me finish it - the same was still apparent when comparing the DNAs with a more neutral cable, the Cardas Golden Presence. Though the difference was not significant this time, still the Golden Presence seemed to be a tad more veiled and HGA more open and lively without losing in timbres, textures and ambience clues.

The Golden Presence is especially good with resonances of individual notes and the decay of instruments in its case very impressive. With the DNA in the system I had no sense of being robbed of this all – still the notes trailed off with the beauty, but this time with more control and precision, revealing the slightly romantic nature of the Golden Presence.


Šířka scény
Hloubka scény

Whereas the above paragraph commented on the trailing off, I should also mention transients. At this stage another reference, Nordost’s Heimdall was called to arms. With its lightning fast portraying the Heimdall is easily the best buy from Nordost’s Collection and discussing the transient attacks there is hardly any more qualified piece of interconnects at this price level. In Topsy (Age of Swing, Reference Recordings) the light taps of Dick Hyman on his piano are rendered in a resolute and speedy fashion against a deep dark background in case of Nordost. The Homegrown Audio DNAs did not have the speed of Heimdall, neither had its pitch black canvas, but still the delicacy of the piano notes in naturally reverberant soundstage managed to occupy my listening room. The Heimdall was the expert on the attacks, transients were razor sharp and solid both with the piano and the guitar - DNAs were just a tiny bit slower and a tiny bit more relaxed. On this particular piece of music I would prefer Nordost by a small margin, but once the jazz music gets really complex and busy, The Heimdall is perhaps too much precise and ample naturalness of the DNAs is a clear asset.

Cena v době recenze:16 900,- Kč

Doporučení prodejci

HiFI Roth, Praha, tel. +420 777 674 381

Připojené komponenty

  • Sources: Accuphase DP-78, Linn Unidisk
  • Amplifiers:  Accuphase A-60 a A-70, Accuphase E-210A, Spectral DMA-250, Luxman L-590AX, Vincent Sv-238Mk
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Krautwire Fractal, Nordost Valhalla V2, Cardas Clear, Audioquest WBY, Audioquest Redwood, Actinote Sonata, Kubala-Sosna Emotion
  • Loudspeakers: Bowers & Wilkins 802 Diamond, Dynaudio Confidence C1, Wilson WATT/Puppy8, Revel Ultima Studio2


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