Power cables
Once we start to compare the Vincent with its pricing category peers, and when it feeds a front-end component, there is no one to keep pace with it. With such a performance in your hand, the sum of 120 euros, that you would pay for 1.5m, can be considered a steal.
Funkce a forma
First, take a thick 3m-long-steel-wire rope and the same length of a standard rope. Straighten them on the floor paralelly and approximately a half meter apart. Now, with your left and right hand try to lift them simultaneously, holding them in the middle. Can you see the difference? Whereas the steel-wire rope keeps more or less its shape creating a long arch, the ordinary rope just hangs down. This simple exercise should give you an idea of how flexible, comparing to the most high-end power cords, the Vincent cable is. Moreover, one has to like its polymer fabric sheath with its grey and black pattern in a real snake fashion...
The flexibility hints that inner conductors are stranded, and they actually are – there are 3 strands inside, each consisting of 90 OFC wires encapsulated in a PVC isolation, surrounded by a cotton inlays to dampen mechanical resonances. The Vincent boasts of two shields, one being an alumium foil, the other tin-plated copper braid.
The Vincent Power cable is available in three lengths – 1.5, 3.0 and 5.0m - that should be OK for any application .
Nízké frekvence
Here I will copy an excerpt from what we wrote about the Vincent’s power cable on the opportunity of our comprehensive power cords test:
“The Vincent Power was quite convincing on amplifiers, being able to organize the soundstage; it locked musicians in correct positions laterally and did not spoil the natural frequency balance of a recording. On Carmina Burana I noticed that the soundstage was moved a bit backwards – not necessarily deeper, just moved a bit. It created a greater distance between the listener and the performers as if you were sitting couple of rows further in the audience. Also it tended to make the bass a tad softer and the dynamics a tad flatter than necessary. What we appreciated was the background that was silent without deleting the important spatial information, not robbing the recordings of their natural ambience.“
Čistota rozlišení
It is not surprising at all that most audio equipment, except the very best, fails to reproduce the sound of piano. Together with drums, the frequency range of piano is covering a broad spectrum of frequencies and is extremely demanding when it comes to the accuracy of transients and both micro & macro dynamic shading. That is why we like subjecting every piece of the audio equipment under evaluation to a piano test, cables not being an exception.
Tonální věrnost
For this listening, Rachmaninov’s Études-tableaux (Serge Rachmaninov, Études-tableaux Op. 33 & 39, Hyperion Classic) were selected. The interpret, Howard Shelley, excels throughout this collection of short musical sketches, and with the help of the Vincent he transforms little sonic masterpieces into an opus magna.
If you ask why the Vincent Power scored that high among other entry-level power cords then give a listen to Études-tableaux. Shelley’s both elegant phrasing in pianissimos and eruptive outbursts of rhythmic passages leaves no doubt that the Vincent is a very competent cable. It is not obscuring musical notes by a haze but draws a quick and sharp picture. From its mids to its highs the cable shines with an open and expressive temperament that suits the Rachmaninov’s work perfectly. You would not miss the tinniest detail, yet what you hear is seamlessly integrated. One never has a sense of that overly audiophile sound that identifies some highly-resolving cables.
If you do not compare the Vincent to something superior, it will make you think that it is a perfect cable. With the help of a reference-grade power cord (Furutech Powerflux resided in my system at the time of writing this review) it becomes apparent, that the Vincent Power has less expansive soundstaging, conveys less convincing textures and colours and is dynamically flatter. But it is also twenty-times (!) less expensive. On the other hand, the Vincent´s bottom end extension is similar to that of the Powerflux, though it is slightly wooly and smeared.
[This review is a part of our extensive POWER UP! power cord megatest. For other valuable information, competitors,and lists of recordings and equipment that was used we recommend to check the full article here.]
Doporučení prodejci
Hifi studio MeLissa, Brno, tel. +420 777 041 313
Web výrobce:
Připojené komponenty
- Sources: Accuphase DP-78, Linn Unidisk 1.1
- Amplifiers: Accuphase A-60, Spectral DMA-150
- Interconnects and speaker cables: Krautwire Fractal, Homegrown Audio DNA, MIT MA-X and MIT MA
- Loudspeakers: Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 8, Audio Physic Virgo V
- Power conditoning: Nordost Thor (modified), Nordost Valhalla, GigaWatt PF-2 with GigaWatt LC-2 power cord
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