Power cables
I had reviewed the AudioQuest Hurricane few months ago at a local distributor's place. It was that good that I have decided to audition it again in my own system to verify what I heard and to challenge it with competitors from Nordost and Synergistic Research that I both consider excellent power cables. And the Hurricane has not disappoint.
Funkce a forma
The all new Storm power cable series utilizes system that has been trickled down from the Niagara conditioners and the NRG line of power cables. In the Storm series the focus was on patented techniques that should bring down the resistance and suppress impedance. The Hurricane features the NDS (Noise Dissipation System) that represents an inductor configured to be connected in series between the ground node of the AC circuit and the load to attenuate radio frequency components present at the ground node, and the DBS (Dielectric Bias System) that creates a strong and stable electrostatic field which polarizes the molecules of the insulation/dielectric. Conductors of the Hurricane are 2,3 mm2 solid core copper wires that are polished to tight speccifications (PSC+).
The cable is actually 3 separate braided cables terminated by custom-made robust Schuko and IEC plugs. The braid is black and blue and surprisingly it is quite flexible and not difficult to turn. Still I do not reccommend to use it if your components are placed too close to a wall or in a shelf. The version I had was High Current one - AudioQuest makes also a standard version with smaller gauge.
Nízké frekvence
We always start our reviewing process with bass performance as it is often the most problematic. On top of that bass is the foundation of (almost) any music so it does make sense to get it right, doesn't it?
The Hurricane's lows are superb yet there are instances when I feel the cable does not deliver them in a consistent manner. The electric bass and drums are explosive, dynamic and radiate with warmth (Charly Antolini); the rich timbre of a male vocal has both volume and power (Nat King Cole); the piano is a bit lighter and less sonorous in its lowest registers (Michael Ruff); the female vocal feels too clean and perhaps a smidgen thinner (Diana Krall). What I hear indicates that the Hurricane favours mid-bass and upper-bass to deep lows and this makes the music cleaner and more detailed, yet it causes the forementioned selectivity. And yes, I am still discussing a power cable, not an amplifier.
Čistota rozlišení
The Hurricane is a wonderfully composed power cord that has very black background as if the signal-to-noise ratio was higher than with competitors. Therefore it plays with great dynamic contrast and music remains perfectly legible no matter how loud I play. It is also very organic sounding cable that do not cut sound to individual elements, rather it conveys it in its wholeness.
Tonální věrnost
Unlike most the Hurricane has a high level of sweet smoothness that makes listening as easy as listening to a vinyl deck. The music feels less mechanic and more organic through the Hurricane but - this is very important - it remains very transparent and beautifully detailed at the same time. For example, Vilde Frang's violin pieces are as if closer to a microphone yet the violin strings do not sound wiry, rather the music becomes very mesmerizing. The forte of orchestra blows you away with wonderful hurricane.
Versus Nordost Valhalla the Hurricane appears to have slightly sweeter sound which is a kind of signature which lends analogue warmth to music without getting into the way of music. The Hurricane is colourful but not coloured and where the Valhalla is stricter and more studio-like. And the Hurricane is able to recreate very spacious soundstage.
The three-dimensionality of the Hurricane is better than that of the Valhalla. The AudioQuest's front-to-back layering is finer and instruments within the soundstage feel very palpable. The Valhalla brings you closer to the music and does not provide you with such sense of depth, yet it has superior imaging laterally. I like both and the momentary preference depends on what I play.
I suggest you really should audition the AudioQuest Hurricane for it is an excellent power cord that sells for more than reasonable price and looks gorgeous.
Doporučení prodejci
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Připojené komponenty
- Sources: Accuphase DP-720, SPL Q2048 Mastering Equalizer
- Amplifiers: TAD-M2500 MkII
- Interconnects and speaker cables: Audioquest Redwood, Audioquest Wild, Ansuz C2, Tellurium Q Ultra Silver, Tellurium Q Silver Diamond, Vovox Sonorus XL, Nordost Valhalla V2
- Loudspeakers: TAD Evolution One E1
- Power conditioning: Shunyata Research Denali, Nordost Valhalla, Ansuz C2, Pangea AC-9SEMKII, Roth Audio Orfeo + some other RothA Audio prototypes, Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 2, Synergistic Research Euphoria Level 3, Synergistic Research Galileo SX
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