Power cables
The LC-1 definitely is a huge improvement over a standard power cord that is usually supplied with audio components, however at its price there are better performing competitors on the market. I missed a richer tonal pallete and three dimensionality.
Funkce a forma
The LC-1 was born to complement the range of GigaWatt’s line conditioning products. The buyer of any of these is receiving the LC-1 as an extra bonus. The LC-1 uses 3mm2 copper wires shielded with a tin plated copper foil, which are then isolated by PVC and wrapped in a plastic fibre braiding that actually looks quite luxurious.
Nízké frekvence
Čistota rozlišení
Through the LC-1 Elvis Presley’s Surrender from aptly titled Elv1s 30 #1 Hits CD was nicely focused, the power cable locked the musicians into proper positions within the soundstage, not leaving them wandering around.
Tonální věrnost
Because I also had GigaWatt’s LC-2 power cord on hand at the time of tis review I disconnected the LC-1 cord and swapped it for the LC-2. Now, let me say, that I was not prepared for such a change! And it is not just a reviewer’s polite statement. Literally everything had improved; the instruments only now came alive and jumped out of the speakers with believable three-dimensionality and their separation in the soundfield grew significantly. While with the LC-1 we had a nicely defined chorus in the background, with the LC-2 there was no doubt that the chorus consists of individual people.
The somewhat ´unisex´sound of the LC-1 became much more balanced tonally with the LC-2, the major improvement however was in terms of its dynamic extension: soft sounds became softer and more textured, loud sounds were louder without any perceivable limitation on the top end and richness of the song just filled the listening room with radiating warmth and emotions.
[This review is a part of our extensive POWER UP! power cord megatest. For other valuable information, competitors,and lists of recordings and equipment that was used we recommend to check the full article here.]
Připojené komponenty
- Sources: Accuphase DP-78, Linn Unidisk 1.1
- Amplifiers: Accuphase A-60, Spectral DMA-150
- Interconnects and speaker cables: Krautwire Fractal, Homegrown Audio DNA, MIT MA-X and MIT MA
- Loudspeakers: Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 8, Audio Physic Virgo V
- Power conditoning: Nordost Thor (modified), Nordost Valhalla, GigaWatt PF-2 with GigaWatt LC-2 power cord
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