
Power cables

At the very bottom of the frequency response the Galileo SX lets you hear bass textures very clearly. The bass is not reduced to just a warm and sonically weighty instrument, it has its inner structure too, and I could not stop wondering how it was possible that a power cord was responsible for it. This makes me think – if other power supply chain is not capable of such resolution how can one be sure what the other components are capable of?

100% reference

Funkce a forma


The Galileo SX features a whole army of patent pending solutions that were discussed in my review of Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 2 power cord. But it also has some extra features – like it can be connected to SR’s Ground Block to eliminate static charge. Its ‘sound’ can be fine-tuned as you will read further in this review. It also features Active Shielding through a self-powered carbon fiber cell attached to the cable that generates DC bias. The cell acts like an on-cable power conditioner which – according to Synergistic Research - is especially beneficial in systems with digital components such as computers and DAC’s, Class D amplification, or when components have switching power supplies.

The Galileo SX employs many different materials – silver, gold, copper, carbon and graphene – that represent the pinnacle of SR’s know-how. The company’s philosophy is based on empiric research and a test-validate-improve product development cycle where ears are the highest arbiter and technologies are not a master, just a servant. The Galileo SX’s build is exemplary; it is a heavy and thick cable which is not easy to manoeuvre behind a rack so allow for extra lengths for twists and turns.  

Nízké frekvence


The basic rule with the Galileo SX – like with other Synergistic Research’s cables – is don’t rush. The brand new Galileo SX is very sensitive to burn-in with the most prominent changes taking the place in just hours rather than weeks. It is like a withering flower that gets water – the sound starts to open up, gets alive and becomes more colourful. A voice becomes a person, you know what I mean. So when does the Galileo SX become fully burnt-in? The cables are burnt-in already at the factory nevertheless the company recommends extra 100-200 hours before their performance gets optimal. I can only attest that there are changes to sound and they happen quite quickly.

Čistota rozlišení


There is one unique thing – the Galileo SX can be fine-tuned to a listener’s ears with the help of replaceable tuning modules. The silver and gold module is a part of the package and their colour already guides you to what to expect.

The golden should provide you with „greater musicality and liquid smoothness with a touch more air and detail“ and I found this description is quite accurate. With the gold module in place I heard beautiful soundstage lit with a golden aura, deep and strong bass and great decays. I was listening to a period recording of Nat King Cole issued by Analogue Productions and recorded air shimmered like an invisible substance among Nat´s voice and instruments. The connection to the music became very emotional and a kind of ´gold dusted´ without getting coloured or warm or romantic. The sound was real high-end with easy-to-listen attributes.

Tonální věrnost


The silver module flipped the sound to the other side. I did not have a feeling that I heard more detail, more air or more accurate soundstage, yet the sound morphed into slightly less weighty incarnation of itself with a bit more of presence. The difference was far from dramatic yet it is easy to hear and can help accommodate the cable in too dark systems.

The advantages of the Synergistic Research´s modular solution are obvious: personalization according one´s listening preferences or voicing of a particular recording. And, oh, one more – if you replace e.g. your amplifier you will be likely to keep the Galileo SX for it will blend with any system.


Šířka scény
Hloubka scény

The silver module flipped the sound to the other side. I did not have a feeling that I heard more detail, more air or more accurate soundstage, yet the sound morphed into slightly less weighty incarnation of itself with a bit more of presence. The difference was far from dramatic yet it is easy to hear and can help accommodate the cable in too dark systems.

The advantages of the Synergistic Research´s modular solution are obvious: personalization according one´s listening preferences or voicing of a particular recording. And, oh, one more – if you replace e.g. your amplifier you will be likely to keep the Galileo SX for it will blend with any system.

Cena v době recenze:105 000,- Kč

Doporučení prodejci

Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802

Připojené komponenty

  • Sources: Accuphase DP-720, SPL Q2048 Mastering Equalizer
  • Amplifiers: TAD-M2500 MkII
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Audioquest Redwood, Audioquest Wild, AudioQuest Hurricane, Ansuz C2, Tellurium Q Ultra Silver, Tellurium Q Silver Diamond, Vovox Sonorus XL, Nordost Valhalla V2
  • Loudspeakers:  TAD Evolution One E1
  • Power conditioning: Shunyata Research Denali, Nordost Valhalla, Ansuz C2, Pangea AC-9SEMKII, Roth Audio Orfeo + some more Roth Audio prototypes, Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 2, Synergstic Research Euphoria Level 3


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